All of MegaFood team are dedicated to improving the lives of others with the products they make - to produce the highest quality supplements available by delivering the most authentic nourishment possible, not just vitamins and minerals alone. That means the first step is to supply with fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains from their partners. MegaFood is a pioneer in the supplements industry, being the first company that makes vitamins from scratch, with farm fresh whole foods. MegaFood Daily Foods MegaFlora Plus Therapeutic Probiotic is a 100 percent whole food nutrient which maintains balance of healthy probiotics. When the digestive tract is in good shape, the probiotics eliminate easily the harmful things that can damage it, such as bacteria, toxins, chemicals, and other waste products. On the other hand, probiotics have a positive impact on the human’s immune system. MegaFood Daily Foods MegaFlora Plus Therapeutic Probiotic protects the body from the occurrence of allergic reactions, autoimmune disorders, and infections.